Monday, March 8, 2010

Things that Soothe the Redhead Soul

You know the feeling, like every little decision is affecting the rest of your life. Well, that’s where I’m at right now. This can be stressful. So here are a few things that soothe the redhead soul:

1. Talking with loving friends
2. Dressing up and getting out :)
3. Chocolate (my cousin’s blog just talked about eating chocolate cake while doing yoga…that is something I will for sure be trying this summer when chocolate re-enters my diet!)
4. Anne of Green Gables
5. ENDORPHINS – while pumping iron and rocking out, it is impossible not to feel great – ballet would also be entered here
6. Scriptures
7. Grandmas hugs (I’m convinced they have magic powers )
8. CLEANING – Ok, it’s true, I like to clean in any mood, but there is something so soothing about deep cleaning the house
9. Service
10. The knowledge that God is on my side and knows the end destination, even when I don’t!
11. Letters from Sky
12. Listening to Showtunes ;)

And just so you know, here are a few things that soothe the redhead body:

1. Vitamin I (ibuprofen)
2. Ice baths (ok, this is not soothing at all, but it works)
3. Tiger Balm / Sombra
4. A trip to the Chiropractor
5. Repeat :)


  1. Now I'm curious... what does the ice bath do?

  2. haha, well besides making me scream at the top of my lungs for 3 minutes straight... it is to help swelling. :) Here, Runners World explains it better:

    Cryotherapy ("cold therapy") constricts blood vessels and decreases metabolic activity, which reduces swelling and tissue breakdown. Once the skin is no longer in contact with the cold source, the underlying tissues warm up, causing a return of faster blood flow, which helps return the byproducts of cellular breakdown to the lymph system for efficient recycling by the body. "Ice baths don't only suppress inflammation, but help to flush harmful metabolic debris out of your muscles," says David Terry, M.D.

  3. I just had the best idea! I'll eat chocolate while you do yoga. Yes. All you have left to do is say, "Wow Jessica, that's a great idea!"

  4. It's funny, the words bath and ice in my mind kind of contradict each other. I'm glad there's a good reason behind it! Thanks for the official explanation!
