Sunday, September 25, 2011

Public Service Announcement

These are now available in a grocery store near you. 

Buy them. Eat them. Be HaPpY!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Just checking in

to say that life is great!

Living with my brother has to be one of the biggest blessings in my life right now.  Second would be how much I am LOVING school and I guess third would be that crazy football game last weekend. Lets just say that life is going my way and I'm quite enjoying it. Bring on the late nights and early mornings and fun times in between.

Here's to the 18th grade! Better make the most of it! 

Friday, September 2, 2011

The MPA program

One year ago, this was me: 
I was nervous, a little overwhelmed and had no idea what was ahead of me. I didn't know these gentlemen sitting around me, but it turns out they came to be my Provo family!

Look at these people - I had no idea who they were and I was forced to play all sorts of strange games with them.   What an amazing bonding experience for my team.  I went to the ropes course last week with all the cute new first years and they felt so uncomfortable, but by the end they were having so much fun. May I just say that my program is the coolest ever - what other masters program takes their students to a ropes course for bonding? 
I LOVE my program!