Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dating advice from my dad...

"Well, I just want you to be happy. I want him to 'ring your bell'.  Life's too short if he doesn't... or too long, depending how you look at it."

Hahaha, I just love my family! :) 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I love Landen SO much

My brother Landen is one of the funniest people I know.
Case and point:

Text from Starlee to Landen: 
I just saw the 24-year-old version of you! Crazy!
Text from Landen to Starlee: 
No way! I just saw the 67-year-old version of you! Weird!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What did I do today?

Oh, nothing too out of the usual... except 

Ya, no big deal - i'm just 11 weeks away from my masters degree. Feel free to count down with me! :) 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Good to Great

I'm reading the book Good to Great by Jim Collins for one of my classes and the opening page reads:

"Good is the enemy of great.  And that is one of the reasons why we have so little that becomes great."

Wow - this got me thinking.  I feel that there are quite a few things I have become good at over the years, but have I become truly great at anything? Probably not yet.  Will I become great at anything? I hope so...
How does someone become great? Who is the judge of great? How long does it take to become great?

Don't be shy - I want to hear what you are good at right now, and how you plan to become great!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Such a lovely weekend

Ah, i'm loving how my worlds are colliding and allowing me to enjoy the very best of both my worlds!
Salsa dancing with a few of my very favorite Provo friends.
Gymnastic night with all my SLC besties!
Serious organization project - the garage. I'll have to post before/after pictures, it was a rather intense project.  
{Note: Professional organizer would be in my top 5 of dream jobs, right after travel show hostess, & Spy, and right before flight attendant & movie star.}
And to top it all off, a little Miss America and a fresh coat of nail polish! 

Hmmm, the only trouble i'm going to have with my new life arrangements is finding time for homework & job searching. 

I am LOVING life!