Thursday, June 2, 2011

I used to want ...


Until I saw these:
Instead I bought this:
But it sort of works the same because I got one and so did someone in Africa. ;)

In other news - Skyler gets home in 29 days. That is LESS than ONE MONTH people!!! Are you getting excited?! I can't focus at all any time I think about it, and thus I blog...

oh and don't worry, there are a lot more Africa posts on their way. I'm still collecting pictures though, so they will be coming soon.

Did I mention Skyler is practically home?


  1. I can't believe he is already coming home! I remember reading that he was leaving! My brother got his call to Russia and is leaving in Sept. They grow up so fast.:)
    I love blog stalking you btw. I have always wanted to go to Africa and it sounds like an amazing experience! I can't wait to hear more! I hope everything else is going well with you!

  2. i talked to him last. boo yah! ;)
