Friday, January 21, 2011


Um … I’m failing accounting! I have no idea what is going on and it is showing quite obviously in my quiz scores!

Why does math even exist? It shouldn’t be this hard people! I don’t want your T-chart or accounting journals and FYI credit and debit are not what you’re telling me they are. I’ve had lots of experience with both these cards and you can’t just go and change the definition on me just like that!

When I’m president of a company I’ll have to pay someone to organize these numbers for me! Don’t get me wrong, I know how to read the important numbers – NET INCOME – but other than that, someone will have to be there to explain all these other trivial liabilities, expenses, assets, stockholder equity, insurance policies etc.

So, since I’ll always have someone there to help me in the ‘real world’, can I get a little help on my quizzes?!?!?!


  1. I want to help you on math! OK, in all reality, I substitued 4th grade math this week and I taught about equating fractions and things such as this. Not quite what you're looking for.

    My mom was an accounting major back in the day and now she's a financial planning major, so maybe if you're really in need you could call her? I dunno... Just a thought!

  2. What accounting class are you in? Good luck with your class, I took accounting 200 at BYU a few years ago, the quizzes are tough but I am sure you will do great.
