Sunday, October 18, 2009

If only life were a Musical!

All my friends know that I am always waiting for the day when I wake up and find myself living in a musical - birds will be singing, the minus track will come on, and everyone will know all the words to the songs and be in perfect rhythm in our group dances... but until that day, i'll have to settle for my home being a movie set. ;)
For my plattform as Miss Pioneer Valley, I'm working with MADD on a new project called the Strengthening Families Program. Right now we are involved in the filming of a video that will be available to families through the MADD website. It is an amazing program, and my family has learned a lot by working on it. Thanks to my family for supporting me and being such great little actors all weekend, and the countless hours you've put in! Love you!

Lets just say this was the best crew ever - I liked the cast too ;)

Sayonara Summer

In one last big Goodbye to Summer, half my family took a quick trip with my cute grandparents to good ol' Lake Powell (the other half went to the cabin - go figure). This was a couple weeks ago when Salt Lake got a little snow, and I was happy to be in sunny (though rather chilly) southern Utah. Me and Mommy dearest wrapped up in our towels and blankets to keep warm.

Cute Autumn - we bonded over our dislike of hot-dogs!

Our own miniature Goblin Valley. This little hike to our mushroom land was supposed to be a 30 minute hike... the water must have gone down since the last time my grandpa was there, because 3 hours later we were back to our boat. It was so much fun, and the first time I actually got hot on the trip!

Landen loves to wake-board...

Brock turned out to be a great knee-boarder...

And lets face it, i'm the best flag-waver ever...

But my real specialty is recreational reading. I got through the entire September issue of Vogue - you know I was enjoying my time. So though summer is gone, at least I got one last sunburn in. Goodbye sweet summer, I will miss you while you're gone!